The 2023 project marked a resounding success, leaving the students beaming with pride as they received their well-deserved high marks. This achievement was largely attributable to the invaluable guidance and resources provided by this extraordinary website, which has consistently elevated students to unprecedented heights of academic excellence. The Maringo Sports Club System project, which constituted a significant portion of the 2023 KCSE Computer Studies Paper, tasked students with modifying a program to seamlessly align with the sports club's campaign. Our collective efforts proved fruitful, culminating in the resounding success of the project. This remarkable outcome is a testament to the unwavering dedication and relentless efforts of the colleagues who tirelessly manage this remarkable website. Their unwavering commitment to fostering a culture of academic excellence has played an instrumental role in empowering students to reach their full potential.

What is the Purpose of KCSE Projects?

In today's digital age, computer literacy has become an essential skill for students to acquire. To ensure that students are well-equipped with the necessary knowledge and skills, the Kenyan Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) has incorporated Computer Studies projects into its curriculum. These projects serve a crucial purpose in enhancing students' understanding and application of computer concepts. This essay will explore the purpose of KCSE Computer Studies projects, focusing on the development of practical skills and the assessment of students' mastery of computer concepts.


Background Information


The demand for clean and reliable water supply is increasing in Kenya, especially in urban and rural areas where access to water sources is limited or unreliable. Borehole drilling is one of the methods that can provide water to households, businesses, and industries. However, borehole drilling is a complex and costly process that involves various factors such as the type of drilling, the depth and height of the borehole, the type of pump and tank, and the fees and taxes involved.

Uzima Company is one of the leading borehole service providers in Kenya, offering borehole drilling, pump installation, tank installation, plumbing, and pump maintenance services to industrial, commercial, and domestic clients. The company charges different rates for different services, depending on the client category, the type of drilling, the type of pump, the depth and height of the borehole, the capacity of the tank, the type and length of the pipes, and the number of outlets. The company also collects survey fees and local authority fees from the clients, as well as 16% tax on the total cost of the service.

The aim of this project is to develop a well-documented computerized database system that would help Uzima Company to manage its operations more efficiently and effectively. The system would have the following features:

• Register and maintain a list of clients, with their details such as name, address, telephone number, and intended borehole location.

• Register items and services provided by the company, with their details such as type, cost, and quantity.

• Compute the total amount to be paid by each client, based on the services and items they requested, the fees and taxes they incurred, and the discounts they received.

• Compute the total amount charged on plumbing, based on the type, diameter, length, and number of pipes used.

• Compute the tax paid by each client, based on the 16% tax rate applied on the total cost of the service.

• Compute the total fees charged for survey and local authority, based on the client category and the fees shown in Table 1.

• Compute the total revenue generated by the company from each service from all clients, based on the total amount paid by each client for each service.

• Generate appropriate reports, such as invoices, receipts, statements, and summaries, that would show the details and calculations of the above features.

The system would be developed using Microsoft Access as the database management system, and Visual Basic as the programming language. The system would use a relational database model, with tables, queries, forms, reports, and macros. The system would also have a user-friendly interface, with menus, buttons, and validations.

Overview of the existing system

To become a member of the Uzima Bore Hole System sport club, individuals are required to provide personal details such as names, ID number, contact information, and additional information.

Inefficiencies in the Current System

The existing system faces significant inefficiencies:

• All records are manually written on papers and counter books.

• The use of counter books occupies a considerable amount of space in the offices.

• Papers are susceptible to damage over time.

• Retrieving youth records is time-consuming.

• Registration records are maintained in a counter book, and each member has an individual counter book for monthly contributions.

Data Processing Challenges

The council relies heavily on manual data processing for various activities, including:

• Member registration

• Monthly contribution recording

• Managing inventory

• Facilitation fees tracking

• Stock levels monitoring

• Sales recording

Issues with the Manual Approach

The manual data processing approach results in:

• Increased likelihood of errors in data entry and retrieval.

• Difficulty in managing and accessing records efficiently.

• Limited scalability and potential loss of data due to paper damage.

• Inefficiencies in handling inventory, facilitation fees, stock levels, and sales.

Proposed Computerized System


The primary objectives of implementing a computerized system are:

• Streamlining the registration process for members.

• Improving data accuracy and reducing errors.

• Efficiently managing and organizing records.

• Enhancing inventory and sales management.

Demerits of the current system

After a thorough analysis of the manual system used for managing Uzima Borehole Drilling operations, several shortcomings have been identified:

Ineffective Record Maintenance:

 The current manual system struggles to efficiently maintain accurate records of clients, borehole drilling projects, and associated services, leading to potential errors and oversights.

Challenges with Handling Increased Workload:

 As the number of borehole drilling projects and clients grows, the limitations of the current system become apparent, impacting its ability to effectively process and manage orders.

Inaccuracy in Processing Borehole Drilling Records:

 The manual data entry process is prone to errors, resulting in inaccuracies in the records of borehole drilling services, pump installations, and plumbing activities.

Data Entry Errors:

 Manual data entry increases the risk of errors, including typos, incorrect calculations, and inconsistencies in recording information, potentially leading to misunderstandings and client dissatisfaction.

Delayed Report Production:

 The manual generation of reports is a time-consuming process, causing delays in obtaining critical insights into the company's performance, client payments, and project statuses

High Overall Operating Costs:

 The reliance on manual processes contributes to higher operational costs, including increased labour expenses, as more resources are required to manage the growing volume of borehole drilling projects and associated services.

Data Integrity and Computational Errors:

 The manual nature of the system introduces the risk of data integrity issues and computational errors, particularly in the calculation of fees, taxes, and revenue generated from borehole drilling services.

Security Concerns:

 The current system poses security risks as sensitive data, including client details, financial information, and project specifics, is vulnerable to unauthorized access, theft, or tampering.

In light of these demerits, it becomes imperative to transition to a computerized database system to enhance efficiency, accuracy, and security in managing Uzima Borehole Drilling operations.


The proposed system aims to address these challenges and provide a more streamlined and secure approach to data management and analysis.Maringo Sports Club System is a computerized system developed for the club’s transactions that is able to maintain details of the club members and their roles, maintain details of sports in the club, maintain records of items in the store, maintain records of items purchased and their subsequent stock levels.

KCSE 2023

This was the 2023 Computer Studies Project. It was created to develop sports talent among youths aged 12 to 35, 18 to 25, and 26 to 35. The club offers various sports activities and individuals or groups can enroll by providing personal information and paying a membership fee. The games offered include swimming, hockey, lawn tennis, table tennis, darts, badminton, volleyball, basketball, netball, football, baseball, netball, football, baseball, rugby, pool, chess, and draft.


Candidates are expected to submit their progress twice – the first milestone MUST be completed and scores keyed in by 21st April 2023 and the second milestone similarly by 31st August 2023. Maringo Sports Club System is a computerized system developed for the club’s transactions that is able to maintain:

  • details of the club members and their roles
  • maintain details of sports in the club
  • maintain records of items in the store
  • maintain records of items purchased and their subsequent stock levels.

A candidate’s second milestone should be seen to be the building block of the first milestone. There is no particular point in the project development specified to demarcate as the first, milestone, it is entirely up to individual candidates to decide wisely. After submission of milestone one, students should focus on building their databases and completing their Documentation. The students should be sure that the database accumulates 60% of their project and therefore they should put more effort into the unit. For Free Table, Query, and Forms Designs check out the Maringo Sports Club Report

Read more: MARINGO SPORTS CLUB SYSTEM - 2023 PROJECT https://maringosportsclubsystem.co.ke/#ixzz880bpGfn3


When developing Systems, it's always a difficult task to start. Sometimes, you don't even know where to start. Documentation formats remain the same. However, you must be careful not to apply all the details in your Documentation.

The Documentation Format is as follows:


NAME: ..................


INDEX NUMBER: ............

PROJECT TITLE..................


SCHOOL: ........


This project entitled MARINGO SPORTS CLUB SYSTEM and presented by …………………… to the Kenya National Examinations Council is my own creativity and original work. There was no external assistance provided from any illegal party or any illegal means. All rights reserved. The publication has a copyright to restrict any reproduction, storage, or editing of the work without assistance from the owner.





I do declare that this work was done under my supervision.





I hereby declare that this project was done by the student and personal work without assistance





I would like to sincerely dedicate this project; Maringo Sports Club System to my beloved parents……….., my siblings, my friends: ……., ……..and…….More thanks to my beloved computer studies teacher …….. and our beloved Principal /…./…….

Above all, all praises be unto the Almighty for enabling me to reach this far.


I would like to acknowledge the contribution of the following personalities in making my project a success.

My parents bought me a Personal Computer to aid me complete and do research on my project in time. My siblings for providing me with an adequate and peaceful environment to complete my project in time. My computer studies teacher ……….. for his advice and guidance not forgetting her teachings and the principal Mr. /…./…….. for ensuring that we get all the required materials to aid us in the success of the project. The Kenya National Examination Council for providing us with the opportunity to express our full potential in creativity in enhancing the technology arena of our country.


As a  result of the abrupt shifting of the world today’s technology, with inventions of complex systems and technology applications. Solving problems through the use of electronic data processing methods has greatly evolved.

After a long negation with several sports organizations, I resolved to come up with a computerized system that will enhance the performance of many sports-oriented organizations for better competence in today’s market.




In order to comply with KNEC regulations, students should create their own Database System. Rather than purchasing a ready-made system and just changing its content, this will help promote creativity and prepare students for responsibility in the future. As an aid to help them, KCSE Projects from previous years can act as guides while constructing a new system.

This method, however, is not suitable for all candidates. Those without the required financial means may struggle to obtain purchased systems. Fortunately, it is easy to identify which are Purchased Databases from their features - such as coded inquiries and forms. Similarly, tailoring a thousand databases for a thousand students would be impossible.

In addition to saving time, it also has an appealing appearance.



I prefer going through the long method if I am serious about my results.

Marks however are awarded based on the content. Queries are the fundamental objects of the project, just as Table Designs are. Candidates should therefore review the question paper, reread the questions, and develop correct queries if they want to determine their understanding of the project and ability to answer the questions correctly.

There should be a rational number of tables. Tables remain the backbone of our project.

In order to avoid mistakes when making queries and forms, the relationship between the tables needs to be valid.

✅ Remember to go through the system requirements and questions to be certain that your system is viable, according to the question on paper.

Read more: MARINGO SPORTS CLUB SYSTEM - 2023 PROJECT https://maringosportsclubsystem.co.ke/#ixzz880hn47ZS

Below are some of the Videos that can help you Modd your Database System


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